Faeria Wiki

The Battlefield is the hexagonal grid where Faeria battles take place. Initially the board consists entirely of ocean tiles, except for the player orbs and the 4 Faeria wells. As the game progress the players place lands and fill the board to create the perfect Battlefield for their strategies.

How can I use the Battlefield?[ | ]

Every game begins with an empty board as shown on the right.

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The Battlefield

You can see there are 4 sides:

  • 1: The opponent information
  • 2: Your information
  • 3: The power wheel
  • 4: Menu (Video and sound options, quit game...)

The 1 and 2 presents the same information:

  • The big number is the number of Faeria that the players has for his turn
  • The left number is the player's level
  • The four numbers on the same row represents the number of each land you already put on the Battlefield
  • The last 2 numbers are the number of cards remains on the player's deck (left) and the number of cards on the player's hand (right)

In Faeria to win a game you need to place lands on the Battlefield to summon creatures and structures or to play events, to do this you will use the power wheel. Each turn you can choose to place 1 Mountain, 1 Forest, 1 Desert, 1 Lake or 2 Prairies.

Screenshot (32b)

Example 1: where you can place a land

Lands can be placed on a tile if this tile is:

  • Adjacent to your orb
  • Adjacent to a land you created
  • Adjacent to a land occupied by one of your creatures

Let's see the example 1, where we began with 2 Prairies. The red X show the possibilities for land placement next turn.

How can I summon a creature?[ | ]

In the example 2, are unable to play our Lore Thief even though we have 3 Faeria. Lore Thief requires that 2 Lakes exist on the Battlefield before it can be played and we placed 0 lakes.

After creating another Lake we can now play our Lore Thief, noted visually by the white border around the card. However our opponent has also made use of a new Desert to summon a Slaughtering Shadow to threaten our orb.

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Example 2: summon the Lore Thief

We'd like to summon our Lore Thief to protect our orb, but we can only play it on the created Lake tiles. This adds a strategic element to land creation, placing a colored land in a bad spot can have profound effects farther down the line.

In example 3, we have sent a strong minion to the opponent's side of the board and we would like to summon some backup. We see here that we can summon a Lake next to our Ruunin's Avenger even though we don't have a land adjacent to that tile.

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Example 3: place a land next to our creature

Basic lands placement strategy[ | ]

In the first turn of the game you will have only a few options for land placement and you will cover the strategy behind some of the choices. The start depends on the play style of your deck. See the type of decks and strategies page to learn more about play styles.

Play style: Aggro[ | ]

If you are playing an aggro deck you will probably start by placing either 2 Prairies or one colored land directly in front of your orb. Doing so neglects the Faeria wells, but gets you to the enemy orb faster.

Play style: Combo[ | ]

Combo decks are usually quite flexible and can adapt on the fly, but a few starts are more common than others. Combo decks can implement either the Aggro or Control strategies. In addition you could take a hybrid approach, placing one Prairie in front of your orb and a second off to the side allows you to adapt your play as you learn more about your opponent.

Play style: Control[ | ]

Control decks will want to gain control of the Faeria wells as soon as possible because a player gain 1 Faeria by turn if he has a creature in a tile near a Faeria well, at the beginning of his turn, or if one of his creatures move to a tile near a Faeria well, and have many Faeria is the key to win with a control deck. Most control decks will start by placing a colored land or 2 Prairies heading towards a well as shown below.

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Control start 1

Screenshot (37)

Control start 2
